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Let It Be

By Ariel Colhoun Passionate about increasing the sphere of influence for women & driving positive change.

Have you ever listened to the “Let It Be” lyrics from The Beatles? If you haven’t, give it a listen. It has been said that the lyrics are inspired by a dream that Paul McCartney had where his late mother came to him and gave him advice. At the time, he was going through a difficult period in his life and his mother came through to him in the most comforting way using a gentle voice to say, “Let it be”. Paul instantly knew what that message meant to him. Her words were comforting when he needed it most. Not only was he able to see her face clearly, but in particular, her eyes. He was able to receive the message he needed to hear and let it fill his soul at the root level.

In your hour of darkness, who is standing in front of you? Listen to the gentle whisper of the still small voice and the words of wisdom and ‘let it be’. When you need clarity in your life. Stop everything that you are doing and listen for the still small voice. Be open to the possibilities, potential achievements and abundance that may come your way.

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