The foundation of this site is based upon sharing - sharing our feelings, sharing our experiences, sharing our knowledge - all in the effort to bring each other up.
Sharing is a remarkable thing
Sometimes it’s hard to stay on your own personal path as every other person you will encounter in your life also has his or her own individual path and destination. Your path in a sense becomes part of the most intricate web of layers – layers and layers upon choices for you and choices for those around you.
It is very easy to get caught up in someone else’s journey and temporarily forget your own. It is also equally as easy to project your own personal fears on others. It’s about learning to balance yourself and your passions in a sea of other passions. The best way to navigate is to share not only your challenges with others, but share your own personal experiences, learnings and your wishes too. Sharing not only helps you relate, but increases your awareness on the whole.
All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any product/service.