The goal of breast implant removal surgery (a.k.a. breast explant surgery) is to remove breast implants and/or scar tissue capsule from breast augmentation or breast reconstruction patients.
Many surgeons feel that the scar tissue (capsule) that forms after the placement of an implant does not need to be removed, but we are seeing in all the media and recent research that in fact, it is the capsule that contains most of the implant-related toxins that in some cases may lead directly to Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Because we do not have enough research and detailed information around this, it is important that both the breast implant itself and the scar tissue/capsule around it is also removed.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, "Breast implants are not lifelong devices and it is important to have them exchanged or removed approximately every 10-15 years. This decision is typically based on the individual and the patient's needs and desires." however, many women seem to ignore or forget this recommendation.
There are many reasons why women choose breast implant removal surgery. In some cases, the outside shell of the implant breaks down causing silicone to leak and the scar tissue around the implant to harden and therefore this is a case where it is important to understand that your implants should be removed for this reason.
Furthermore, with the onset of the increasing awareness of Breast Implant Illness (BII) (although its diagnosis is not yet official), thousands upon thousands of women are experiencing what is believed to be breast implant-related symptoms - and the numbers are on the rise. What we have seen from all the experiential data from these affected women appears to demonstrate some sort of link between breast implants and the associated decline in the health of these affected women.
We also can't forget the PIP breast implant scandal, combined with the Allergan recalls, and now the well-documented cases and related deaths due to Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) which is of utmost concern.
What you need to discuss with the surgeon
When you meet with a surgeon, you need to have a detailed discussion around breast implant removal costs, risks, capsule formation and removal, incisions and more.
Most women who elect to have breast implant surgery fail to realize that:
the implant removal surgery costs can be up to twice as much as the original implant surgery
the explant incision scars tend to be longer and involve more incision lines
more pre and post surgery testing will need to be completed (i.e. bloodwork, ultrasound, mammogram, MRI, pathology testing on the scar tissue)
the recovery time may be longer than the original implant surgery
some plastic surgeons may not have enough explant surgery experience or understand the concerns/risks directly related to ALCL and BII, and therefore do not perform the proper removal techniques required to mitigate any future health concerns
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All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any procedure. It is not a substitute for a thorough in-person consultation with a medical professional. If you have questions about your personal medical situation, please call your healthcare provider.