By Ariel Colhoun Passionate about increasing the sphere of influence for women & driving positive change.

Stress & The Holiday Season Fog.
Life can be more than overwhelming at times. We've created a world where everyone is 'busy' all the time, stress is at an all-time high, and tempers on a short fuse. Combined together, it's a recipe for disaster and can lead to mental, physical, and emotional distress. Whenever we are in the midst of all the stress of daily life it's easy to get lost in the fog and never find your way out. Now throw the holiday season into the mix and you may find your stress at an all-time high.
Did you know that research by the American Psychological Association reveals that stress levels are higher during the holiday season? And women tend to be the ones at the top of the stress factor categories. Over the holidays, pressure for women mounts - whether it be hosting and cooking for larger groups including family and friends, keeping the house 'extra' clean for unexpected visitors, wrapping the gifts and decorating, to balancing the extra time and money needed to get you through the season, and so much more. When we fall into undue stress, that is when 'bad' habits can occur such as overeating (a.k.a. comfort eating). And when we fall into the comfort eating trap we fall deeper into the cycle of stress and anxiety as we are not feeding our bodies the healthy fuel we need.

Self-Care Matters.
The best gift you can not only give to yourself this holiday season and everyone around you is the gift of self-care. Self-care matters all year round but needs special attention over times when we know we will be experiencing a little extra stress.
Training yourself to put yourself first when it comes to your own personal health is always a challenge, but you will never be any good to those around you if you don't take care of yourself. As the popular saying goes, "Remember to take care of yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup."
There are lots of ways to start the path to self-care. And the best way to begin is to do what makes you feel happy and what is best for you and only you.
Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
Get the right amount of sleep you need for you - Sleep deprivation can lead to so many health-related issues. Practice reducing screen time, reducing caffeine, and reducing thinking about anything that keeps your mind up at night ultimately preventing you from getting a good night's sleep. And once you've got that nailed - make it part of your daily routine. Consistency is key when it comes to setting proper sleep habits.
Exercise - According to Participaction guidelines, "Adults aged 18-64 years should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate-to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more. It is also beneficial to add muscle and bone-strengthening activities using major muscle groups, at least 2 days per week. More daily physical activity provides greater benefits."
Eat a healthy well-balanced diet - You may think you hear this all too often, but hand down, you are what you eat. Finding the right self-discipline is what we all could use to keep us all on track. Reducing sugars, reducing processed foods, and cooking at home rather than eating out are the best ways to start. You also need to be mindful of portion control. Most people can significantly change their overall health and even mental well-being through diet and exercise. If you are needing a little extra help in this area, talk to a medical professional to help you get on the right track. And once you do, you will notice the change.
Learn how to lovingly say no - we can't emphasize this enough. Prioritizing your time and not taking on more than you can chew will go a long way when it comes to self-care and reducing your stress. It's okay to say 𝕟𝕠. Actually, it's better than okay. So many of us are afraid to say no, especially to the people we care about but are we really doing ourselves and others a disservice when we agree to things we aren't entirely comfortable with or don't have the bandwidth for? It's not always easy, but saying no can be a powerful tool to help you take ownership of your own life, time, and priorities. And ultimately, people will respect you more, not less, for being open and honest with them.
Get outside & enjoy life - Get outside - no matter the weather! Talk to people. Volunteer. Read a book. Schedule time for you to do what you love. Take a bath. Go for a walk. Start that project you've always wanted to start. Don't wait for the new year to start that new year's resolution - start now! And fall in love with as many things as possible.
So this holiday season, take some time to think about you! And remember ... self-care matters.
All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any procedure. It is not a substitute for a thorough in-person consultation with a medical professional. If you have questions about your personal medical situation, please call your healthcare provider.