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Living A Life Of False Existence


Depression can sometimes be difficult to recognize by others. Some people fall into depression by living a life of false existence. Should you live a life of false existence, a life that appears to be wonderful on the outside but completely opposite on the inside, you are not being true to yourself.

A life of false existence is a life that you are living that does not truly fill your soul. It is a life that may be filling your temporary needs and wants to impress others, but it is not a life filling your soul with meaning or purpose. Strengthening your soul requires far more prominence and tenacity than chasing all that 'ink on paper' (money).

What impression do you give others?

When you live a life of fabricated authenticity, and your exterior presence does not replicate how you actually feel on the inside, you are leaving others with false impressions. Your own self-imposed contradictions can also take a direct toll on your mental state of mind. In the end, this can be detrimental to you. It may leave others with the impression that you are totally self-sufficient, fully autonomous, independent, and don’t need any help, and will detach you from the emotional support you may actually need from your friends and loved ones. This false impression that you are potentially leaving on others will not benefit you in the end. By not allowing others in, you are in a sense building a life of isolation when it comes to your feelings and emotional well-being.

That is why living a life with purpose, making wishes and pursuing your hopes and dreams, and actually following them through, matters. It matters because in the end, a life unfulfilled may end up breaking you.

So start believing in yourself and allow yourself to live the life you desire and have the confidence you deserve.

All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any procedure. It is not a substitute for a thorough in-person consultation with a medical professional. If you have questions about your personal medical situation, please call your healthcare provider.


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