Stress, by definition, is your body’s way of responding to any type of demand placed upon it. When we feel stressed by something going on around us, be it good or bad, our bodies react in many ways such as releasing chemicals into the blood, therefore, affecting our stress response system, keeping us up all night with endless thoughts, or it can push us to think quick on our feet make decisions faster. In this day and age, much of our stress isn’t the good kind. We have piled too much on our plates, we are constantly running around, checking our smartphones and running ourselves ragged. All of these constant demands on our body can affect the way we look, whether the stress is chronic or acute.
Stress can cause:
Our adrenal glands, which sit atop our kidneys, are stress hormone regulators. They secrete adrenalin and cortisol in response to our bodies' stress levels. Under constant stress, these hormones are constantly secreted, and these hormones can wreak havoc on our skin, including and especially under the eyes.
Cortisol levels are lowest at night during sleep and peak shortly after waking. Under stress, these levels become imbalanced and unbalanced sleep cycles occur.
The top 2 main causes of under-eye circles:
Lack of proper sleep
Stress can make certain skin disorders, such as eczema and psoriasis, worse. It can also cause a break down of collagen which can be linked to wrinkles, fine lines, and lack of wound healing.
Cortisol is known to affect hair follicles, specifically causing excessive hair loss at times of high stress. Stress can also affect the thyroid, our gland that affects metabolic function, brain development and mood, among many other things.
The thyroid is nourished by iodine and zinc which are also imperative for healthy hair growth and stress reduction. Zinc can be found in seafood and pumpkin seeds, and iodine can be found in sea vegetables such as nori, dulse, and wakame.
The Remedy:
There are many ways to remedy the effects of stress on beauty such as:
Chamomile Tea – it has calming properties, reduces fatigue, and aids in sleep quality
Vitamin C – it is used by the body to create collagen and assist in skin repair. It can be found in kiwis, oranges, red peppers and lemons; skin oils such as rosehip oil are liquid gold for many different skin concerns.
Melatonin – calms restlessness
Rhodiola Rosea – stress-busting super plant, it can also help to fight fatigue
Ashwagandha – helps decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression
B- Complex – helps decrease symptoms of anxiety and can help to improve mood
Magnesium – promotes relaxation
Overall, stress can affect the body in many ways, especially in our looks. Next time you notice your skin acting up, assess your lifestyle and if stress is particularly high. If it is, you can start to take the steps necessary to reduce stress and get glowing, beautiful skin.*
*Please note these are merely suggestions and are to be taken at your own desire. For serious sleep or adrenal problems, please consult a doctor or nutritionist.
All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any product/service.